Monday, July 16, 2012

Still Looking For a Home

Cooper still needs to be adopted! We've had a few interested people who want to help him, but in the end they can't sign up for the responsibility of a puppy in their lives right now. We don't want to force him on anybody.

Cooper has changed so much in just the past week alone. We switched him to a regular kibble diet, and he seems to have grown more in the past week than he has in total past month and a half. It was very noticeable when I was giving him his bath. Each day he looks bigger and bigger to me. He is also growing more and more hair. No more hairless ears! He is almost soft to the touch now. He is getting cuter by the day, and I know if somebody comes to meet him they will fall in love.

It is very tempting for us to keep him, but it's just not in our plans. Atlas is obviously very distraught by the little guy. He is very well behaved around the little pest, but we can tell that he is bothered by Cooper stealing his attention and territory. Atlas would prefer to be the only spoiled dog in the Edwards House.

Please please pleasssssse consider adopting Cooper! He has been through a rough journey and is now ready for his happy ending.


  1. Any updates on Cooper finding a home?

  2. We are busy working out visit schedules, but we think he will go to his new home on Friday. Check back at the end of the week!

  3. How's Cooper doing?
