Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 29 - Acting like a puppy

Written by Erin

The past few days inside have done a world of good for Cooper. He has become very playful and is enjoying interacting with the world around him. First, he is interacting well with toys. Yesterday, he showed particular interest in one of Atlas' stuffed dog toys that we got at a Braves game. He went over to it and started biting it. At one point he picked it up and shook it. Today, he shook it a lot. He also carried around a cat toy, played with a fox toy, and cuddled up with that fox toy. He has been trying to chew on the giant antler bone that is for Atlas, so we got him a puppy chew bone for his crate. He's already worn the ends down.

Second, he is interacting with the other animals more. He continues to nip at Atlas, and Atlas tolerates it very well. I would not enjoy being jumped on and bitten by a little thing. Cooper has also been trying to cuddle with Atlas. Atlas is not a cuddler. Not with humans, not with animals. Cooper has sat down close to him a few times. He even tried to lay down against him twice. As soon as Atlas feels contact or sees Cooper so close, he jumps up and lets out a loud, deep bark as he walks away. After Cooper was rejected earlier today, he cuddled up with the fox toy instead. Cooper also wants to play with the cats. He pounced and barked at each of them today. They just turned around and walked away.

trying to cuddle with Atlas

Thirdly, Cooper is interacting with Mason and me more. He seems to know when I'm going to pick him up and carry him outside, and he starts to run away. Other than that, he seems to be enjoying our company. He sits up tall in his crate and watches us. If he knows we're in the other room ignoring him, he starts barking in his crate like a normal obnoxious puppy. Last night, he even tried to cuddle with me! I was sitting on the floor leaning against a chair (because Atlas was sleeping in the chair that I sit in with my laptop). Cooper walked across the room and sat a few inches from me. After a few minutes, he scooted against my arm. There were a few moments when I thought he wanted to lie down. He put one of his paws on my arm, and he even rested his head on my arm, but he wouldn't go all the way down. I put my computer aside and adjusted my arm so that it made a more appealing bed. He walked over and sat next to it again, trying to figure out how to use it. He did lie down, but not against the arm. As I write this post right now, Cooper is playing with Mason's hand. He is nibbling at it and pawing at it like he plays with Atlas.

sitting against my arm

Yesterday I noticed Cooper sitting with his front left leg bowed out. I thought it was coincidental, so I decided to re-assess later in the day. Sure enough, he was sitting that way again. He was putting most of his weight on his right leg. I then watched him walk and noticed that at times he was limping. I palpated the leg, and it didn't feel broken. It also wasn't painful, although this strong pup has never shown pain to us. It wouldn't extend all the way, which I thought was weird. If I can find a hole in my schedule this week, I will take him back to the vet.

sitting funny

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying the progress that Cooper is making. Great job to the both of you!
