Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 27 - First Day Inside

Written by Mason

We let Cooper socialize with the animals in the main room today. He would follow Atlas trying to lick his face.

As time went on he started nipping at Atlas' face and at one point Atlas had laid  down. He let Cooper bite him for a while but then Cooper started to bite Atlas' leg. Atlas responded by barking which temporarily scared Cooper off but it was only for a little while. Atlas also almost sat on Cooper one time and when he realized Cooper was at his feet he started growling. Overall though Atlas was very well behaved and seemed to be trying to let Cooper know what his limits were whenever he barked or growled.

The cats and Cooper acknowledged each other but didn't really interact with each other which is much better than fighting

Cooper fell asleep next to my foot before I carried him back to his crate to sleep so we wouldn't have to actively watch him.

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