Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 10 - Messy Puppy

Written by Erin

I had a field trip with school today, so I had my good friend Jen come take care of Cooper around lunchtime. I was very worried that he'd make a big stinky mess for her since he hadn't pooped since 5 pm the night before. Much to my surprise, she reported that she only had to clean up a pee stain. While this was good for her sake, it meant he was saving it all for me....

When I got home, I opened the door to the garage and got knocked in the face with the horrid smell of puppy diarrhea. Normally, we keep the door to the garage open during the day for ventilation. Since nobody was home today, I kept it closed. This hot, closed area is not ideal for containing smells. I immediately put Cooper outside while I tackled the war zone. It was really just a single giant pile of mushy poop, but Cooper had stepped in it and painted brown footprints all over the crate. Poop even got into his water bowl. This was the first time he had finger painted. Up to now he had been clean with his poop. I had to hold my breath while I cleaned. There was one point that I gagged a few times. I was just hoping my dinner was going to stay in my stomach. All the while Cooper was sitting in the yard just watching me.

I let Cooper stay outside for a while today. I figured he could use the fresh air after being in the garage with his mess all day. He walked around a little while, and then he took a little nap in the sunlight. I was hoping for another tail wag today, but I think it will be a while before he does it regularly. He still crouched as I approached him, and he even tried to walk away from me. He would probably run if he could.

nap time

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