Thursday, June 21, 2012

Day 18 - Encounters with Wildlife

Written by Erin

Apparently Cooper didn't warm up to his heat lamp last night. Hehe. Mason checked on him around midnight, and he was hiding in the corner of the crate. He moved the heat lamp so it wasn't pointing over Cooper's bed. Later Cooper was back in his bed. His tongue had a slight pink color this morning, but it was still very pale.

When I stepped outside to place Cooper's food, I saw a wild rabbit in the yard. I ran to get my camera. In the meantime, Cooper was outside searching for his food. The bunny stayed in place for a little while before running away. I was surprised at how close it let Cooper get. Then again, Cooper isn't much bigger than the rabbit was.

As Mason was preparing Cooper's lunch, I peeked into his crate. He was resting with his head on his new raccoon toy. It made me smile. He may have just thought it was part of the towel, but it was still sweet.

Just before Cooper's final feeding, I saw a young deer in the backyard. I went onto the deck to take pictures. It strolled right on through Cooper's area. We frequently see deer around the house at that time of night. We saw a few last night as we were bringing Cooper outside, but they were farther away and they ran off as soon as they heard us. Now we have seen a dog, cat, rabbit, and deer in Cooper's area. Along with countless birds and squirrels. It's a good thing he didn't really have the raccoon roundworm to spread around!

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