Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day 12

Written by Erin

size perspective

Cooper lays down in his cage all day, and he barely walks when outside on his food breaks, so I decided to make him walk a little more. I placed his food about 30 feet farther away than usual. He sniffed around in the area where it usually was for a little while. As I was walking by him to go back into the garage, he wagged his tail at me again. He was hoping I had food in my hands! By the time I came back out from the garage, he had already found his food bowl. After eating, he just sat down and didn't walk back.

walking to his food

Later that evening, Mason got home. While we were outside with Cooper, we had a visitor. A kitten was in the neighbor's backyard. He was very curious and came up to us. After I petted him for a while, he wanted to go see Cooper. We let them get within a few feet of each other before separating them. We have seen this kitty around in the neighborhood a lot recently. He enjoyed some more pets and belly rubs from me before carrying on his way.

kitty visitor

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