Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 4 - Signs of Life

Written by Mason

After Cooper's lunch time feeding I was working in my office when I heard a few high pitched yelps. Atlas who was sleeping next to me hopped up to go with me to check it out. We had heard barely a whimper out of cooper over the previous days.  I opened the garage door to find Cooper sitting up rather than sleeping which was an oddity up to this point as well.

During one of Cooper's feedings in the side yard, Atlas was in the fenced in back yard and Atlas came over to whine at us since he felt left out. Cooper found the sounds interesting and started walking towards Atlas. I had to cut Cooper off because of his potential for transmittable infections.

Later in the day Erin and I got back from the store and Cooper was barking up a storm until I checked in on him. So either he was looking for human comfort or was ready for his final meal of the day. Either way I'm glad to see signs that he is improving.

Written by Erin

I was very shocked when Mason told me that he heard Cooper bark! He simply didn't look like he had enough energy to bark that morning. I almost didn't believe him until we were in the driveway later and heard him barking like crazy.

When we put him outside Mason had me place him away from his food bowl so that he had to walk to get it. He walked right up to it and licked the bowl clean. He then walked towards cover. Although he was walking more, it was still a slow lingering movement. He is not at all running around, nor do I expect him to be any time soon. He was sitting up at one point in the crate but in general he still prefers to stay lying down. His improvements today were very exciting and leave me very optimistic.

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