Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 26 - Moving In

Written by Mason

I had worked out of town the previous days but was working at home today. I usually take Cooper out for long feedings and today was hot so the two of us hung out together in the shade while I petted him.

When Erin got home today was bath day. We had planned on moving Cooper in from the garage to the inside when his conditions had cleared up. We also felt it was getting important to get him to start socializing with us and our other animals. The temperature outside and predicted for tomorrow also necessitated getting him into the air conditioning so he didn't start overheating. So while Erin was giving Cooper his bath I moved the crate to our bedroom.

When I got done I went outside and Cooper was drying walking around the side yard. When I came out he started following me so I walked around the back of the fenced area and he continued to follow me. We were able to get Cooper to walk all the way around the house. Now that he was dry and finished exercising it was time to introduce the little guy to the inside. I carried him in and let him meet Atlas, Smokey, and Purrkins (Molly's Cat.) I then carried him to his crate for the night. All the animals checked in on their new roommate sniffing and licking him through the crate. He did very well not making noise all night and didn't seem stressed.

Hopefully, his health and behaviors will continue improving so maybe we can start playing with him.

following around the house

greeting Atlas

greeting Smokey

finally inside

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