Saturday, June 9, 2012


Written by Erin

A lot of people have been asking me how much we have spent on Cooper. While we are going through towels pretty quickly, we should be in a bigger hole than we are. Dr. Nemetz and South Athens Animal Clinic were very generous and donated a lot of services and supplies. Here's a list of what they gave us for free: a physical exam, a fecal float, a skin scrape, one Capstar, 2 applications of Advantage Multi, a KetoChlor bath, sub-q fluids, 4 days worth of food, and a day of hospitalization. I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting. They also tried to send us home with a box of gloves, but I already had a few boxes at home. The only things we paid for were the take home dewormers and one vaccination, and they even gave us a 20% discount off those. At the end of the day we only paid $40 for a visit that should have cost over $200.

We do go through a lot of supplies at home, mainly towels. I have mentioned previously that we throw away towels as soon as they are soiled, which means we can shorten a stack of towels pretty quickly. We go through about 4-6 towels a day. Even though we are buying the cheap $2 towels at Walmart, it isn't cheap when we are making repeated trips and buying 15 at a time. Since we were given a small supply of free food at the vet we are just now having to buy more. Dog food is just a minor expense though. Other supplies we bought but don't expect to deplete very quickly: disposable paper bowls, a giant pack of puppy potty training pads, and large nitrile gloves since mine don't fit Mason. To date we have spent about $160 on Cooper, including the vet visit. As time goes by I'm sure expenses will pile up, as they would with any pet. A couple people have asked if they can help with money, so small donations to help pay for the towels and future vet visits would be appreciated. You can send me an email and I will give you a mailing address.

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