Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 16 - 3rd Vet Visit

Written by Mason

Since Erin was busy at work today and I was working from home I was in charge of taking Cooper by the vet. This was my first visit to a vet and I found the staff very friendly and still very interested in the little guy.

Cooper has only gained 2 ounces since last week so we are going to increase his food intake to 1/2 can every 4 hours 4 times a day. Hopefully this will help him perk up by getting a little more food in him. The only concerning news was that Cooper's temperature was 94.3 degrees F and they double checked with a separate thermometer. A healthy range would be closer to 101.5 degrees F. He is probably losing a lot of heat because he is so little and doesn't have very much hair. It gets chilly in the mornings when the grass is covered in dew. While we were there another fecal check was done and they found a moderate amount of coccidia so we were given so more albon. Otherwise, it was a very good vet visit as he is improving.

panting puppy

During one of Cooper's feedings we caught him grazing through the grass and when we went to stop him we find that he is eating deer droppings. Apparently he still has the taste for poop so whoever ends up with him if they have a cat will have to watch the litter box. He also looks healthier since he has started panting. Almost seems like the little guy is smiling when you look at him now instead of a look of pain, fear, and distrust. The panting means at least he isn't cold all day long.

Cooper's last feeding of the day right as it turns dark resulted in me running into our neighbor. He was watering some plants next door so we talked a  little bit. Later when Erin approached Cooper he started growling. He didn't do it for very long but we guess in the dark with strange men's voices he had flashbacks as we suspect guys were the ones who shot him. She called me over after the neighbor left to see if he would do it again. I slowly approached him as I crouched like a scary man and he growled at me too.

napping in the shade

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