Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 11

Written by Erin

"please don't pick me up"
Today was a typical day. Cooper is eating well. He starts to bark when he is hungry too. We are stretching his feedings to every 4 hours instead of every 3, and I think he is adjusting well. Cooper's diarrhea seems to be going away, and he is also pooping less frequently. This means easier messes to clean! He pees in his cage a lot, but he prefers to potty outside. This morning I left the crate door open to see if he would come out on his own. It took him several minutes, but he eventually tip toed out when he thought I wasn't looking. I had my back turned away as I drew up his drugs, but I was peeking. When he got to the garage exit, he couldn't step down the stair. He had to do a little jump! It was very cute.

Later in the day, I opened the crate door, then I went to put his food bowl in the middle of the yard. When I as on my way back, he was already out of his crate and about to jump down onto the sidewalk. I hope he continues to exit on his own like this. It means we won't have to crawl halfway into his crate to pick him out and carry him outside.

so skinny

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